We specialize in top-quality pond supplies, koi, goldfish, and aquatic plants at our farm in Portland, CT. Our services include professional installation, maintenance, repair, and upkeep of ponds, waterfalls, and water features.
Discover detailed answers to the most frequently asked questions about water garden care, including tips on installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
Find top-quality pond supplies at our store, with everything you need for your water garden. Enjoy fast shipping on in-stock pond treatments and popular products!
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We specialize in building professional grade, natural looking ponds and waterfalls. We use the Aquascape product line to build our ponds.
How Does a Pond Work?
We use a 45 mil EDPM liner and geotextile underlayment as the base of the pond. The liner allows the pond to hold water while the underlayment protects the liner from getting punctured. We will install a pond skimmer which collects any floating debris and houses the pump. Water from the pond is pulled into the skimmer and pumped up a pipe to the waterfall and into the biofalls (filter). The biofalls is a box filled with filter media; water enters from the bottom and moves up through the filter media before spilling out into the waterfall. (In the first photo, the...
Pondless Waterfall Installation
Date: | Post ID:1151 | Views:3912
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We specialize in building professional grade, natural looking ponds and waterfalls. We use the Aquascape product line to build our ponds.
How Does a Pondless Waterfall Work?
A Pondless Waterfall is simply a re-circulating waterfall or stream without the presence of a pond. The waterfall works by pumping water contained in a large, in-ground reservoir up and through the Waterfall Spillway, allowing the water to flow back down into the reservoir. This simple recirculation system requires very little maintenance, is easy to install, and ideal for families with young children or pets that love to play in water.
Did you purchase a house with a pond and have no idea how to care for it? Or maybe you have a pond that that loses water constantly. Is your pond always pea soup green? Or are predators eating all of your fish? Well we are here to help. We offer a range of services to help keep your water feature happy and healthy all year long.
It is important to maintain your water feature to prevent a buildup of debris and nutrients which cause algae blooms, poor water quality, and can harm your fish. Do not wait for a problem to arise, prevent it and sign up for a service today.
Spring Pond Cleaning
We will fix/replace any products that have deteriorated/broke (ie Filter Mats, LED Lights,...
Fountain Installation
Date: | Post ID:1147 | Views:3430
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The easiest and most affordable way to add a water feature to your yard. Fountainscapes are low maintenance, energy efficient, and fully recirculating.
How Does A Fountain?
A fountain works by pumping water, contained in an underground reservoir, up through the fountain, allowing the water to flow back into the reservoir. A variety of fountain kits types are available to suit your style and budget.
How Do I Sign Up for a Fountain Quote?
Click the button below to sign up for an installation quote. We do charge $100 to $200, depending on travel time, to come out to your house and give you an estimate. You can also email photos of your yard to our email and we will give you a free estimate.
How Do I Find a Leak in My Pond?
Date: | Post ID:2005 | Views:3219
To find a leak in your pond, you must first turn off the pump and let the pond sit for a day. If the water level in the pond drops, you know the leak is in the pond. If the water level of the pond does not drop, your leak is in the waterfall or plumbing.
Pond Leak
If you determine the leak to be in the pond, leave the pump off and let the water level drop until it stops losing water. The leak is going to be found at this level of the pond. You will need to look for a hole or puncture in your pond liner. If you find a hole, you will need to patch it before filling the pond.
It is important to note that if your pond has a skimmer, the screws and inserts might have corroded away weakening the water tight seal between the pond liner and the skimmer (this usually happens about 10 years after installation). To confirm this, look around the inside and outside of the skimmer opening. If the screws or inserts show signs of erosion, they will need to be replaced.
Predators Keep Eating My Fish. What Should I Do?
Date: | Post ID:2015 | Views:3210
To stop predators from getting your fish, it is important to have a hidy cave in your pond so your fish can hide from dangerous predators. A few round rocks with a flat stone on top will make a natural yet adequate spot for your fish to hide. It is also important to have good plant coverage (ie water hyacinth, pond lilies, and marginal plants) on your pond's surface to provide extra coverage.
Although not the most aesthetically pleasing, netting your pond is the best defense against herons. Pond netting effectively keeps debris and predators from entering the ponds, waterfalls, and other water features.
Motion Activated Sprinkler
A motion activated sprinkler will spray a burst of water when it senses motion thus scaring off predators.
Fishing Line Technique
Using stakes, create a web of fishing line...
How To Build a Pond by Aquascape
Date: | Post ID:2028 | Views:3176
We proudly introduce our New "How to Build a Pond" video. Aquascape expert, Ed Beaulieu, walks you through the 20 steps of building an Aquascape Ecosystem Pond and gives you great insights into the techniques needed to make your project a truly spectacular water garden.
Should I Install a UV Filter in My Pond?
Date: | Post ID:2021 | Views:3106
If you have a proper filtration system, adequate aeration, and healthy plant material, you shouldn’t need a UV filter. You should generally be able to keep your pond water clear without added equipment (ie UVs, Iongens, Dosing Systems, Chemicals). That said, some ponds thrive using UV filtration.
Clearing Green Water
A UV filter can help in clearing green water. Small single-celled algae will pass through the media in your biological filter. However, when this single-celled algae passes through a UV, these cells can become damaged allowing them to clump together forming a larger mass. This can then be filtered out in your bio filter.
Required Flow Rate
An issue I have with UV filters is that they require a specific flow rate (gph) to function properly. Most homeowners don’t realize this. You can’t install an inline UV onto your existing piping with a 3,000+ gph pump; it won’t be effective. Most UV's have a maximum flow rate under 2,000 gph....
Pond Foam: What Does It Mean?
Date: | Post ID:2022 | Views:3065
There are a few reasons a pond might become foamy. Although often harmless, it is important to monitor any build up of foam on the surface of your pond as it can require immediate maintenance for ponds with fish.
Fish Breeding
Are your fish more active than normal? Are your smaller fish chasing around your larger fish? Does your pond smell...fishy? If that's the case, your fish are most likely spawning. This usually happens from May to July. When spawning, fish expel gases (ie ammonia) which creates foam on the pond's surface (it is also responsible for the fishy smell). If this is the case, a 25% water change is recommended. We also suggest adding a water conditioner, or detoxifier, to remove chlorine, neutralize ammonia, and detoxify heavy metals that can harm pond fish. Increasing the pond's aeration and adding carbon/charcoal are also beneficial.
Environmental Circumstances
It is common to get surface foam on your pond in spring. If your...
How To Build a Pondless Waterfall
Date: | Post ID:2029 | Views:2968
Learn from Aquascape experts, Ed Beaulieu and Brian Helfrich, the newest techniques of building the perfect Pondless Waterfall using one of Aquascape's kits. These kits include all you need to install your project with ease including our new Waterfall Spillway and new and improved Pondless Waterfall Vault.
Why is My Pond is Green?
Date: | Post ID:2006 | Views:2945
As a disclaimer, all ponds are different and the following information may vary from pond to pond.
The Overview
In general, a pond will turn pea soup green due to: inadequate filtration, lack of aeration, unbalanced water chemistry, not enough plant life, too many fish, lack of general maintenance, improper climate (ie full sun), and/or deficient good bacteria.
Inadequate Filtration
Wether your buying a professional pond kit or piecemealing your pond together; homeowners often make the mistake of skimping on the important stuff. You should never undercut the pump size and filtration. We recommend turning over your pond water three times per hour, meaning if you have a 1,000 gallon pond, you should have a 3,000 gph pump. I recommend doubling your ponds filter; for a 1000 gallon pond, you should have a filter rated for 2000 gallons. I cannot stress this enough. The two things you should never skimp on are the pump and filter.
How to Install a Landscape Fountain Kit
Date: | Post ID:2031 | Views:2712
Aquascape landscape fountain kits make it easy to add a splash of water to any space in your yard, making them an ideal choice if you desire a smaller water feature. Available in a variety of options, you’re sure to find one that suits your unique style. Perfect for the do-it-yourselfer! This video will teach you how to install an Aquascape landscape fountain kit.
Pond Plants 101: How to Plant Your Pond
Date: | Post ID:2019 | Views:2400
As a disclaimer, we are located in Zone 6, so some of the following information might not apply to everyone. These are aquatic plants we like planting in our ponds and on our installations.
Pot or No Pot?
If you have a gravel bottom pond, plant your aquatic plants directly in the gravel. Take the plant out of the pot, rinse off any soil, and plant directly in the gravel. Use large boulders to stabilize taller plants while preventing koi from pulling them out. If you have a liner/preform pond, keep your aquatic plants in pots. For best results, propagate and replant every 2 years; else the plant will become stunted (esp water lilies). Fertilize for optimum growth.
You should plant your aquatic plants in a dense soil, often mixing sand into the substrate. You want a soil that is dense enough to sink, but light enough to encourage root growth. Never use potting soil or soil treated with unfamiliar chemicals (esp if you have fish). Any natural compost...
Sick Koi: What Should I Do?
Date: | Post ID:2024 | Views:2353
If you suspect your fish might be sick, add a water conditioner (detoxifier), boost aeration, and do a 25% water change (at minimum). It is imperative to monitor sick fish and their symptoms. Sick fish generally show outward signs of illness; if nothing appears wrong on the outside, odds are your issue is water quality.
Water Quality
Ammonia - High ammonia, a byproduct produced by fish, can be deadly if not treated properly.
Leaching - Leaching is the osmosis of environmental solubles into your pond. Chemicals such as lawn fertilizers, weed killers and new mulch will leach chemicals into your pond ultimately posing a risk to your fish.
Bacterial Infections (Second Photo)
Ulcers - Do your fish have red, bloody patches on their sides?
Fin Rot - Are your fish's fins red and deteriorating?
Fungal Infections (Third Photo)
Fungus - Do your fish have white, cloud-like clumps...
Koi or Goldfish?
Date: | Post ID:2018 | Views:2310
If you spend the money to build an expensive koi pond, why cheap out on the fish?
There is a big misconception that koi are hard to care for, but with an adequately sized pond and proper filtration, koi are actually better for your pond than goldfish. Koi spend most of their time bottom feeding on both algae and debris while goldfish primarily eat, sleep, and poop.
Koi also love eating plant roots, thus eating most of their fertilized eggs resulting in fewer babies. Goldfish don't. This is why a goldfish pond with 8 fish can easily turn into a goldfish pond with 100 fish (under the right circumstances).
That said, koi can be destructive especially when it comes to pond plants. They also grow much larger than goldfish and other pond fish.
Therefore, if your pond is small, you have predators, or lack adequate filtration, goldfish might be a better option. But you don't have to settle for feeder fish; Sarasa Comets, Shubunkin, and Fantail...
Our Staff
Date: | Post ID:1130 | Views:2222
Our staff is knowledgeable when it comes to ponds and pond maintenance. We take pride in our customer service, work ethic, and workmanship. And while we might not always have the answer to every pond problem, we do our best to lead your pond in the right direction.
Rob Townsend, Austin Foose
Lotus vs Water Lilies - They Are Not The Same!
Date: | Post ID:1123 | Views:2182
Lotus grow up and out of the water. Water lilies grow on the water's surface. Lotus are tubers. Lilies are rhizomes. Plant your lotus plants in a mucky substrate a few inches below the waterline. Lotus prefer a dirt/sand substrate and should be fertilized to promote larger foliage and more blooms.
Water lilies grow well in 18" of water and love sunlight. The more muck & sludge in the pond, the bigger they will grow.
How To Winterize My Pond?
Date: | Post ID:2004 | Views:2171
When it comes to caring for your pond fish in winter, the most important thing is to always keep a hole in the ice on the pond's surface. This allows oxygen into the pond and prevents toxic gases from building up. The following options will keep a hole in the ice.
One thing to think about is that products can/do fail. Therefore it is important to always have a backup option. We recommended using 2 of the options listed below, plugged into separate GFI outlets. This way if one option fails, or trips the GFI, you have a backup option.
However, if your pond does freeze over completely, do not try to chop through the ice with an axe! This can be extremely harmful to your fish. Instead, use boiling water to melt a hole in the ice. This might take longer, but your fish will thank you for it.
Leave Pump Running
You have the option to leave the pump running all winter. This is because the moving water from your waterfall will keep a hole in the ice and prevent...
Can You Put Turtles in Your Koi Pond?
Date: | Post ID:2027 | Views:2103
Yes, but they don't always stay.
You can keep turtles in your pond, but if they are not confined, they will try to escape. For ponds with fish, know the turtles will try to eat small fish and sometimes go after bigger fish, nipping at their fins, which could lead to fin rot or a bacteria infection for the fish.
Tips and Tricks for a Happy Pond
Date: | Post ID:1118 | Views:2056
- The less you clean your filters (unless you have a canister filter) the better.
- Only clean Filter / Bio Media once a year, at the beginning of the year.
- Get your pond up and running in April or May. This way, your pond ecosystem will have a chance to get established before the weather gets too hot.
- It is common to get an algae bloom a week or two after a pond cleaning. This is because your pond has not had enough time to build up a strong colony of Beneficial Bacteria.
- Use Beneficial Bacteria one to two times a week for the first few months after you get your pond running. If your pond is staying clear and algae free, you can dial this treatment back to once every two weeks.
- A pond should be cleaned once a year, in early to late spring. Surplus nutrients cause algae growth. Beneficial Bacteria helps break down excess nutrients via the nitrogen cycle.
- Make sure you remove any dead...
Patios and Walkways
Date: | Post ID:1145 | Views:2054
How Deep Should My Pond Be?
Date: | Post ID:2014 | Views:2047
Your pond should be at least 2' deep to survive the winter in Southern New England. Any depth more than 4' is excessive.
Growing Lotus
Date: | Post ID:1072 | Views:2043
I cut off my lotus pod about a week after they lose their flowers. When the seeds start drying up in the pods, its been too long.
After I remove the seed, I set them aside for a few weeks to dry out; then I sandpaper or cut into one side, not too deep, but enough to puncture the outer skin. I put the seed in about an inch of water, in a shady spot.
They start sprouting in 4-7 days usually. The seeds should look similar to the one in this picture, dark, plump, and should feel firm.
Owner: Rob Townsend
Date: | Post ID:1132 | Views:2036
Robert Townsend began his career began over 30 years ago with his own landscaping business. Always on the lookout for new challenges and opportunities, in 1991 Rob built his first pond. So satisfying was the planning and execution of this project, his mind was made up to enter a new phase of landscaping design. He began his search for information on Pond Ecosystems.
In 1996 Rob attended what would be the first of many seminars presented by Aquascape Inc. The show so impressed Rob, it took little time for him to make Water Gardens the new focus for his company.
In 1997, using ADI Pro Pond Ecosystems, Rob created what he thought would be the crown jewel of his water garden designs at the very location of his warehouse in Wethersfield. Although expansive, stately and more beautiful with each passing year, since then Rob has built even larger and more complex water gardens for an ever growing client list. Each project is distinctive and bears the signature of Robs'...
Do I Have Too Many Fish?
Date: | Post ID:2013 | Views:2031
If you're asking yourself this question, odds are, you have too many fish...
A good rule of thumb is that you should have 1 inch of fish per 10 gallons of pond water. Meaning that a 10 inch fish should be housed in a 100 gallon pond. Keep in mind, filtration and aeration play a large part in fish keeping so proper husbandry can result in keeping more fish in a smaller area. Koi, although larger, are a cleaner fish compared to goldfish. However, goldfish are more hardy, so the type of fish you house will also affect the amount of fish you can safely house in your pond.
Should I Clean My Pond Every Year?
Date: | Post ID:2012 | Views:2020
If your pond is less than 3,000 gallons, it is recommended that you fully drain your pond every spring. The buildup of organic materials (ie leaves, fish waste, and natural debris) will leach tannins into your pond ultimately turning your pond water tea color. For larger ponds, we recommended a partial cleaning every year with a full cleaning every 2 to 3 years.
Pictured - Sara Della Rocco
How We Build a Pond
Date: | Post ID:1119 | Views:2007
Aqua Scapes of CT, LLC building a medium pond at the Westbrook Hunt Club in Westbrook, CT (2018)
Manager: Austin Foose
Date: | Post ID:1131 | Views:2004
I am the manager at Aqua Scapes of CT, LLC. I’ve worked in the pond industry for over 12 years and have had my own pond for almost 25 years. If you have a pond problem, I have a solution. I have a bachelors degree in Multimedia Web Design and Development from the University of Hartford, class of 2014.
Putting Greens
Date: | Post ID:1142 | Views:1942
About Us
Date: | Post ID:1135 | Views:1651
Aqua Scapes of CT, LLC is the leading distributor of professional pond products, koi fish and aquatic plants in Connecticut. We have a six acre aquatic nursery in Portland, CT where we stock the full line of Aquascape pond and waterfalls kits, fountains, maintenance supplies, replacement parts, pumps, and water treatments.
Our company foundation was built on a simple premise... keep it simple, and work with nature, not against her. The relationship between building a pond, and respecting how nature intended it to work, is fundamental in creating a successful water feature. It is this belief we use when selecting the products we use to create your unique water feature. It helps us determine which products work with "nature's products" (aquatic plants and fish) to establish a healthy, balanced and naturally occurring ecosystem.
We develop and maintain water features, but we also sell the products we use so that if you choose, you can design, build and/or maintain your...
Natural Ponds and Lakes - Fountains, Aeration, and Water Treatments
Date: | Post ID:1146 | Views:1571
2018 Hartford Flower & Garden Show - Happy Trails
Date: | Post ID:1137 | Views:1417
The Convention Center will be transformed into a breathtaking event for floral and garden enthusiasts.
This will be Aqua Scapes of CT, LLC's 19th continuous year showcasing our water-features and landscaping skills.
2018's CT Flower & Garden Show (February 22, 2018 - February 25, 2018) is sure to be our best yet! We will be dedicating our entire display in memory of our wonderful friend Craig Beck. As co-owner and operator of CJ Grounds Maintenance Company, Craig worked tirelessly alongside us year after year to help us exhibit our displays. With his caring spirit, soft-spoken approach, and the theme 'A Breath of Spring' in mind, we could think of no better platform then to dedicate our display to Craig; a man who loved the great outdoors nearly as much as he loved helping others.
Explore over 300 booths overflowing with fresh flowers, plants, herbs, bulbs, seeds, gardening books, garden equipment & much more. View beautifully landscaped gardens....
2020 Connecticut Flower Show
Date: | Post ID:2017 | Views:1385
Our Awards - Excellence in Design (awarded by The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc. and The Landscape Design Council)
Although we didn’t win best in show, this was one of our most colorful displays yet. We focused mostly on the forcing of our plant material this year and, although not how it would play out in nature, getting 30 different species of plants to flower at the same time...in February...is definitely a challenge. Maybe not best in show, but still one of my favorite displays.
Congratulations to Gresczyk Farms...your water feature might have leaked, but your display was pretty awesome.
Our Mission, at Aqua Scapes of CT, LLC, is to create beautiful water features that inspire people to go outside and embrace nature. We hope to make your backyard a bit more eco friendly, support native wildlife, and create unique water features that will bring you and your loved ones joy, peace, and relaxation.
We support our local community, donate to charities ( American Cancer Society ), recycle, and buy American-Made if possible. We proudly support our military, active duty, wounded warriors, and military veterans.
2017 Flower Show
Date: | Post ID:1117 | Views:1306
Come check out our landscape display at the Hartford Flower Show. We will be at the Connecticut Convention Center until Sunday.
Best In Show, Most Outstanding Specimen, Best Use of Moving Water, Best Use of Aquatic Plants, Best Use of Texture, Best Use of Color, Best Use of Cultural Perfection, and Excellence in Design (awarded by The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc. and The Landscape Design Council)
Pictured - Tucker Rozevink
Learn Build Earn
Date: | Post ID:2002 | Views:1293
March 23, 2018 - Aqua Scapes of CT, LLC will be hosting a Learn Build Earn event at 505 William Street, Portland, CT 06480 at 9:00am. During the event, you will receive one-on-one attention from experienced Aquascape instructors.
2017 Flower Show Results
Date: | Post ID:1121 | Views:1288
Best Landscape Design, Best Use of Perspective, Best Use of Moving Water, Best Use of Aquatic Plants, Best Use of Creative Features, and Favorite Landscape Award from WFSB Channel 3
Hartford Courant: Not a Blade Out of Place
Date: | Post ID:1005 | Views:1280
John Woke - Austin Foose arranges sod around a display for the 36th annual Connecticut Flower & Garden Show at the Connecticut Convention Center Wednesday, in preparation for the show's opening Thursday. The event runs through Sunday and
heme is "Woodland Enchantment." Foose works for Aqua Scapes of CT in Portland.
Check Out This Japanese Maple Copper Fountain
Date: | Post ID:1059 | Views:1268
Special thanks to Frau Zinnie Blog for taking this awesome photo at the 2015 Hartford Flower Show. Also thank you American Gardening for your interesting insight and plug. #tbt
2019 Hartford Flower & Garden Show - Stairway to Heaven
Date: | Post ID:2009 | Views:1246
This year we are dedicating our display to a close relative and friend, Charlie Dyer, the epitome of charm. Our landscape pays tribute to his legacy and all those who were fortunate enough to have known him. In our display, a nine foot tall stairway waterfall drifting from the clouds represents a Stairway to Heaven. We are using a variety of Charlie’s favorite trees, shrubs and plants which are just waking up to help set the tone for this year’s theme, “The Charm of Spring!”
Charles E. Dyer, Jr. 88 years young, of Waterford, died peacefully at his home surrounded by his loving family after a brief illness. He was born on March 26, 1930 to Adelaide (MacDonald) and Dr. Charles Dyer in New London.
He attended Harbor School and Bulkeley High School graduating in 1948. He continued his education at Brown University earning a bachelor’s degree before serving honorably in the United States Army. He riled on the G.I Bill to attend the University Of Connecticut School...
35th Annual Flower and Garden Show
Date: | Post ID:1006 | Views:1231
By Sam Kantrow, Meteorologists for WTNH Connecticut News
2019 Flower Show Results
Date: | Post ID:2010 | Views:1203
Our Awards - Best In Show, Most Outstanding Specimen, Best Use of Scale, Best Use of Cultural Perfection, and Excellence in Design (awarded by The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc. and The Landscape Design Council)
2022 Connecticut Flower Show
Date: | Post ID:2030 | Views:1024
Our Awards - Best Horticulture, Best Use of Moving Water, Best Use of Aquatic Plants, Most Outstanding Specimen, Best Use of Cultural Perfection, Best Realistic Garden, and Excellence in Design (awarded by The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc. and The Landscape Design Council)
Pictured - Rob Townsend and Richard Beaumont
Connecticut Flower & Garden Show 2025 - Discounted Tickets
Date: | Post ID:2037 | Views:617
We will have a landscape display at the Connecticut Flower & Garden Show from February 20–23.
Spring in February arrives annually at the Connecticut Convention Center! Explore exhibits overflowing with fresh flowers, plants, herbs, bulbs, seeds, gardening books, garden equipment & much more. View beautifully landscaped gardens full of greenery and stop by the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut design & horticulture competition. We also offer over 80 hours of seminars and demonstrations across a variety of topics.
Come join us for a full day of hands-on training rebuilding our 8' by 6' ecosystem pond. Bring your work boots and your questions as we walk you through the process of installing a one-of-a-kind, custom creation.
If you are interested in building ponds, waterfalls, and fountains, we can help you grow your business and expand your customer base. Come take the jump into this new profitable business opportunity building water features.
There is no charge for this event. Lunch is provided.
I began my career began over 30 years ago with his own landscaping business. Always on the lookout for new challenges and opportunities, in 1991 Rob built his first pond. So satisfying was the planning and execution of this project, his mind was made up to enter a new phase of landscaping design.